As had already emerged from recent discussions, the two groups who had been invited by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority to tender for the elaboration of the detailed and executive design and the...
Investment Programme
The Italian Minister for Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, Enrico Giovannini, inspected the Port of Genoa facilities on board the Coastguards' vessel, flanked by the Port Authority President Paolo Emilio...
Construction works have commenced at Ponte Eritrea in the cargo handling area of the Sampierdarena basin to retrofit and upgrade the quaywall.
Within the range of infrastructure works underway to upgrade the Passenger Port of Genoa, quaywall renovation at Ponte dei Mille East begins to take shape.
In view of the fact that no bids were submitted by the two groups pre-qualified to present an offer in the call for tender for the implementation of the detailed and executive design and construction of the new...
The footing of the new Pope Bridge takes shape. The road infrastructure works in the Port of Genoa forge ahead.
The historic quay of Calata Zingari is set to reopen in August to accommodate the cruise ships in Genoa’s passenger port.
On target, the Government Commissioner Paolo Emilio Signorini officially approved the technical and financial feasibility study for the project of Genoa's New Breakwater and today, 1st June 2022, the...
The President of the National Transport Regulation Authority, Nicola Zaccheo, flanked by the Board Directors Carla Roncallo and Francesco Parola and the Secretary General Guido Improta, met in Genoa with...
On 27 May the Select Committee of the Public Works Upper Council of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility gave the go-ahead to the Port of Genoa's key strategic project for the building of the...
The demolition works of the pierhead in the berthing marina along the Levante Waterfront have been completed.
The quaywall retrofitting and dredging works alongside Ponte dei Mille West have been completed on schedule.
On 28 March the Technical Commission of the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition issued the Environmental Impact Assessment final report, officially giving the go-ahead to the construction of the new...
Expansion of Sestri Ponente shipyards scheduled to commence: Contract on Phase 2 sealed with Consorzio Stabile Grandi Lavori.
The construction works at Genoa’s cruise terminal press ahead as jet grouting operations are underway in the final phase of the retrofit and renovation of the Ponte dei Mille western quay wall.
The expansion of the dedicated truck parking facility adjacent to the Airport has been completed on schedule.
This morning the Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, met with senior local government authorities and members of the Ports of Genoa shipping community in the historic landmark building of Palazzo San Giorgio,...
Genoa, 14 January – The Port Authority headquarters of Palazzo San Giorgio hosted the 2022 inaugural press conference “Ports of Genoa (R)EVOLUTION”, an on-site and online event held by President Signorini,...
The construction works on the expansion of the airport passenger terminal facility have kicked off. The final design, approved last year by the Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC), foresees the...
EIB promotes climate action by providing €300 million to finance Port of Genoa expansion This is the first EIB operation in Italy for a project co-financed by the government with resources from the Recovery...
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