Info - Contact Bomayacht S.R.L.

Calata Gadda - 16128 Genova (GE) - Italy
Tel: +39 010 480 5038
Cell: +39 389 092 5579
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Covered area: 1,600 sqm
Yard: 800 sqm
Mooring facilities: 1,300 sqm


BOMAYACHT, established in 2009 by Giorgio Boria, today capitalises upon its past experience with a team of professional carpenters, mechanics, painters, electricians and plumbers. The leading Italian shipyard is specialised to serve both motor and sailing yachts up to 30 m LOA, and features a facility in Calata Gadda in the heart of the Port of Genoa ship repairs area, with easy access from both the Genova EST and Genova OVEST motorway exits, across the Varco Port Gate close to the Old Port.

The Shipyard offers:

  • brick shed with crane, covered boat storage facility, yard and berths
  • workshops
  • travel lift up to 100 tons
  • easy access from port gates and city centre
  • ship-to-shore power and water supply
  • 16-ton lifting capacity rubber-tyred crane, forklift, 30 -110 ton yacht handling equipment
  • admin assistance