Development Infrastructure Works

The Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority has adopted an Action Plan, funded by an Infrastructure Investment Programme in excess of 3 billion euros, that groups together 70 major infrastructure projects, tens of thousands of workers and a wide diversity of companies which, collectively, are revolutionising the Ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado Ligure.

To date, the port is on track in the implementation of a far-reaching overhaul in terms of its accessibility by sea, air, rail and road, shipyard expansion, waterfront redevelopment and green policies. A range of infrastructure projects, set to be instrumental in establishing the Ports of Genoa as a more accessible, sustainable, intermodal and digital hub, are underway and represent a moment of rebirth for both the Ports and the Cities.

This far-reaching capital plan comprises the projects funded by the Genoa Decree Law 130/2018, which was enacted in the aftermath of the tragic collapse of the Morandi Bridge in August 2018, including Genoa’s New Open-Sea Breakwater, acknowledged as strategic to the Italian economy overall, and which consequently also received funding from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, part of the NextGenerationEU Programme.

The Port Authority, directly responsible for the investment plan and public procurement process, constantly monitors the procedures, timelines and status of the construction works underway, and is firmly committed to minimising disruption to daily port operations.

In close cooperation with the Port Harbour Master and central government ministries, the far-reaching investment plan implemented by the Ports of Genoa pledges to support rapid sustainable economic and social development, capable of generating a sizable value-added contribution to the local port community and citizens alike.

This webpage provides a comprehensive update on all the projects in progress across the Ports of Genoa, in addition to general information and an interactive map dedicated specifically to the implementation of the Infrastructure Investment Programme underway.

Development Infrastructure Works Overview

Explore the interactive map to learn more about the wide range of major infrastructure works underway across the port, with an array of facts & figures and video clips of the construction works in progress.

New Breakwater of Genoa

Read morescopri

Mega-infrastructure Investment ProgrammeNews

Open-Sea Breakwater: green light for new layout
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Investment Programme