I Ports of Genoa
Rail Transport
Efficient railway services are a key driver in sustainable port development. The railway lines which today connect Genoa and Savona-Vado to the European network are currently being upgraded and retrofitted with new technology to comply with recent infrastructure developments to the network.
Works are in progress to equip the Ports of Genoa cargo facilities with the capability to handle in full safety EU standardised freight trains (750 metres in length, P/C 80 gauge, 12.5% max. gradient), and by 2024 the ports are on track to be completely integrated in the TEN-T Rhine Alpine rail corridor.
The planned New Third Railway Line across the Apennines and the Genoa last mile rail connections are central to the range of major infrastructure works underway.
Rhine-Alpine Trans-European logistics corridor
The completion of the New Hi-speed/Hi-capacity Rail Line and of the upgrade of the Genoa Rail Junction infrastructure works underway is instrumental to facilitating a modal shift of 30% by 2030.
Terzo Valico Line under construction and interconnections with the Genoa Rail Junction and logistic hubs