Info - Contact
Luigi Amico S.R.L.
Calata Gadda- 16128 Genova (GE) - Italy
Tel:+39 010 24704877
Click here for location.
Calata Gadda- 16128 Genova (GE) - Italy
Tel:+39 010 24704877
Click here for location.
Founded in 1885, Luigi Amico Srl has a long tradition as a pioneer in the provision of services to the shipbuilding industry. Combining professionalism, speed and flexibility, the company became a benchmark in Italy for surface treatment and coating, always at the forefront in the use of innovative technologies and techniques.
Luigi Amico Srl stands out for its ability to offer customised solutions, perfectly adapted to the needs of each customer. With in-depth knowledge of the sector and unparalleled operational flexibility, the company accompanies each customer with dedicated advice and constant support at all stages of the project.
Located in the heart of Genoa's ship repair area, Luigi Amico Srl offers a full range of surface treatments including sandblasting, shotblasting, hydroblasting, scarifying and restoration. Additional services include insulation, surface painting and the creation of decorations such as lettering and custom graphics.