Vamp up
Vamp Up Project
The project "Vado Multimodal Platform rail/road terminal intermodal connections optimization and Upgrading (VAMP UP)" - Action 2015-IT-TM-0312-M is co-financed by DG Move within the CEF-Transport program.
The proposal was submitted to the CEF 2015 call by the Port Authority of Savona in partnership with Vado Intermodal Operator (VIO) spa, with the aim to support the improvement plan of the railway last mile of the port of Vado Ligure, through the execution of studies and works (civil and railway works, software development) to be implemented between 1 March 2016 and 31 October 2020.
The action is part of the Global Project for the enhancement of the multimodal node of Vado Ligure centered on the realisation of the port Multipurpose Platform (in operation since February 2020) and aimed at improving the connections between the node and the Rhine-Alpine and Mediterranean EU corridors.
Vamp Up contributes to the sustainability and competitiveness of the Trans-European Transport Network, by strengthening the accessibility from South to European markets, promoting the use of railways and promoting the integration between modes of transport.
Max Eligible Cost: Total 10.406.049 €. AdSPMLO: 6.206.049 € and VIO: 4.200.000 €
Max EU Contribution: Total: 1.658.224 €. AdSPMLO: 1.003.024 €. VIO: 655.200 €